22 January 2009

Writers Bonding After-the-Fact

Whoa, tonight was insane. Spec went off well, but we had some problems with the slides and light cues. Afterwards (after Trippy Trip made a hand-tunnel for us!! so nice!!) we (Sam & Cat & I) went to Qdoba (them: come on, live a little!!!) and I ran into Laura! I haven't seen her in forever. C, S, and I talked a lot and joked about the seemingly endless amount of girls in love with the Sipes (obviously they are blind and missed Sam's weird goatee last week). Cat and I kept fawning over Sam jokingly and making jokes about this girl Mindy who is totally in love with him. "Sam, I do not want to have sex with you!" was basically every third sentence. We played "spin the hot sauce bottle" but we all kept hitting ourselves and wouldn't actually kiss anyone if the bottle landed there anyways. It was fun. I realized that the three of us actually get along rather well when we're not yelling at each other. On the way to Cat's car I sat on Cat's lap in the front seat and hit my head on the window a lot. And then Sam and I talked on the way back to the NC parking lot and had an okay time. I miss when we all had fun together and didn't hate each others' guts half the time. And now I'm texting Eli and he said he missed me being Mercedes cause Emily isn't as good and it makes me sad.

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