11 January 2009

Er, I Can Glet Fitters!

Last night I saw Doubt, and I thought it was really, utterly fabulous. Not a favorite movie, but it was certainly quality cinema. The story revolves around Sister Aloysius' (Meryl Streep) suspicions that Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) has been molesting a boy at the church school. Sister James (Amy Adams) stands up for him and believes that he was only doing it to protect the boy, the first black boy at the school. However, Sister James is extremely naive, and Sister Aloysius is extremely evil: what side are we to believe? Hoffman does a fine job showing the two sides of Flynn: caring and respectable as well as crude (especially in a scene showing him drinking and smoking with other priests). The film certainly does plant doubts in one's head, and it is said that the writer of the play (and the screenplay) only told Hoffman and the actor who played Father Flynn in the play whether or not Flynn is guilty. It's definitely impossible to tell, but if you want to try for yourself, you should definitely see Doubt. I really liked it, especially the camera angles (lots of above-the-head, "God is watching you" type stuff) and symbolism (glass and the different colors used). 9/10 (only because it didn't resolve the question! I want to know if he did it! And because I can't really see this being a 'favorite' movie of mine).

So last night I hung out with Eli and it was supremely awkward. At least on my part. We went to Brugge and then saw Doubt, and, frankly, I felt like I was on a date with my brother. It was most certainly NOT a date, not to either of us, but he was dressed up because of the speech meet and I am always looking classy. But really, I felt like it was supposed to be a date or something, even though it wasn't and even though I know that Eli is probably more gay than he is straight. And I know that from him. But it was still really awkward for me. I can't even imagine going on a REAL date with a guy I like...idk, this was just really weird and as much as I like hanging out with Eli I was a bit preoccupied with the fact that everyone else thought we were on a date to really have fun like I usually do. Ugh.

Spec critic rehearsal went all right. Everyone seemed to forget their lines, and I got really annoyed with that. I mean, COME ON, they've had those scripts for ages, and they usually know them, but on Friday they just didn't. There weren't really a lot of criticisms, just that the actors were quiet, didn't know their lines, and that our inner frame hid the outer frame quite a lot. Basically, we just need to block more, and choreograph a dance, and do something with the Genevieve/squirrel part that makes it relevant. Carlson wasn't bitchy at all, she seemed pretty nice about the whole thing, which surprised me because all the other specs said she completely tore them down. Maybe we're better than them?

I went to that sports training class yesterday morning and it was all right. The other four kids in the class are totally junior high, but there's a girl in there who seems really nice. It was a good workout though, and every single part of my body is sore today. I can barely get up out of chairs and walk down stairs. Owww.

AAAAH a part of my Scarlet Letter analysis essay (that I got a 48/50 on!!) was in the handout Lyday does with good student examples. So we read my lovely analysis out loud and it was all anonymous but it made me smile inwardly. And I understood the physics problems I just did (well, for the most part). Plus I got a 97% on my persuasion paper. I don't understand precal in the least, though, so I guess I'm not academically on the ball in every single one of my classes. But I'm doing pretty damn well.

PS, I was searching for a title, so I stole the side off of my American Eagle bag. Makes a lovely sentence, eh? I went shopping and bought a green button-down shirt, a gray boatneck t-shirt, and this ruffly, awesome pink and white striped shirt. And I still have $25 on the gift card!

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