I also got Roman Holiday (with Audrey Hepburn--I tried to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's a few times, but never did...this one just seems a little more appealing to me, plus it's her "Oscar-winning best!" according to the dvd box) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which I have wanted to see since forever but haven't gotten the chance to. I'm really excited for both of those.
Today I had a lovely experience when driving into the parking lot! The stupid kids always walk on the wrong side of the road when going in so I can't turn right, and today I was trying to turn right closely so I didn't hit anyone and I drove on the curb! And of course, with all the snow (it's been in the negatives so we've had snow for three days) I couldn't get my car off of it. The policeman had to come over and help me get my car off. Really embarrassing, hopefully no one I know saw me! Or at least understood, haha. I'm usually better than that, I swear.
Anyway, two two-hour delays in a row! Then again, today every single public school in Hamilton or Marion counties had a snow day EXCEPT us. I saw on the news. Even IPS, Broad Ripple, Pike...all of them. Maybe the Lawrences had school, I'll check with Becca. Not fair though!
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