31 January 2009
I Believe in Fairies!
Yesterday I was really worried for physics, because I'm really sick with a cold and all that. I'd texted Sam to tell Otto to leave me alone, but I wasn't really sure how that was going to play out. Luckily, he did, although Ian ended up being my lab partner (after all my weeks of praying before labs, this day, the one where I felt so shitty, had to be the one) and of course I got some teasing for that. And then near the end of class I was in a really crappy mood and not understanding the lab, so he came over and was like "Are you ok? Do you need a hug?" and I didn't really say no but I think I implied it. And then he kind of apologized and said he hoped my day wouldn't be as awful as it had been. Seriously, those two can be really nice and sweet one second and then immature jackasses the next.
So I had an okay day, other than how shitty I felt, and I texted Sam to see if he and Cat wanted to hang out since the all-spec party was a no-go. They said it was a good idea, so we all dragged our sick selves to Cat's and settled in for a night of nothing. I brought chocoholic chunk ice cream from Handel's, along with my leftover Yat's from Wednesday, and we all collapsed on Cat's couch and watched Family Guy, Jeopardy, and Normal Adolescent Behavior (a really crappy movie on Lifetime about a group of six teenagers that have sex with each other and no one else). Sam dished on his girl problems (he really wants to break up with drama queen Michelle, but if he does she'll cry and spread rumors about him) and later flopped on top of Cat and I (his butt was practically in my face and he was really squishing my stomach), which was really unfun. And we were talking about prom, and I was saying how I didn't know if anyone would ask me, so Sam said he'd go with me as my back-up if no one asks me. He does not want to go with Michelle. That was nice, though I do hope someone asks me.
Today I went to sports training (the last one!) and almost passed out cause of how sick I am, so I got to cut practicing short by about ten minutes. I stayed at home all day doing crap on the computer, unfortunately, and right now I'm texting Eli (though it's not really Eli, it's some other guy....too many sexual innuendoes). I guess he got a snuggie (!) and we were talking about that, and then suddenly that conversation ended and it was just really confusing. I have no clue what is going on. I am waaay too sick to figure it out.
Damn, I am becoming a beast at Yahoo!Answers. I can spend like three hours on there. I don't really ask many questions but I answer a lot. It's not even fun, more like a way for me to waste time in between sneezes.
So I had an okay day, other than how shitty I felt, and I texted Sam to see if he and Cat wanted to hang out since the all-spec party was a no-go. They said it was a good idea, so we all dragged our sick selves to Cat's and settled in for a night of nothing. I brought chocoholic chunk ice cream from Handel's, along with my leftover Yat's from Wednesday, and we all collapsed on Cat's couch and watched Family Guy, Jeopardy, and Normal Adolescent Behavior (a really crappy movie on Lifetime about a group of six teenagers that have sex with each other and no one else). Sam dished on his girl problems (he really wants to break up with drama queen Michelle, but if he does she'll cry and spread rumors about him) and later flopped on top of Cat and I (his butt was practically in my face and he was really squishing my stomach), which was really unfun. And we were talking about prom, and I was saying how I didn't know if anyone would ask me, so Sam said he'd go with me as my back-up if no one asks me. He does not want to go with Michelle. That was nice, though I do hope someone asks me.
Today I went to sports training (the last one!) and almost passed out cause of how sick I am, so I got to cut practicing short by about ten minutes. I stayed at home all day doing crap on the computer, unfortunately, and right now I'm texting Eli (though it's not really Eli, it's some other guy....too many sexual innuendoes). I guess he got a snuggie (!) and we were talking about that, and then suddenly that conversation ended and it was just really confusing. I have no clue what is going on. I am waaay too sick to figure it out.
Damn, I am becoming a beast at Yahoo!Answers. I can spend like three hours on there. I don't really ask many questions but I answer a lot. It's not even fun, more like a way for me to waste time in between sneezes.
29 January 2009
Double Snow Days.
Woke up, found out it was a snow day. Went back to sleep. Made pancakes in the a.m. Watched some t.v., bummed around feeling shitty with a sore throat. Went outside to take pictures for photography, trudging through knee-high snow and getting super cold. Hopefully they turned out all right! I watched the first episode of Lost cause Alex has begged and begged me to, and, unsurprisingly, I enjoyed it. I'm up to the fourth episode, but the online streaming sites are shitty (the ABC one has really bad buffering issues and the sound doesn't match up with the video at all, and the other megavideo one doesn't have the fourth episode). Found out around ten that today would be a snow day too, and Alex called, so we chatted for a while. Then called Eli and we had the most random conversation ever. And then I slept until three, when I got a really crappy bloody nose. Eyuckk.
Today was boring-er. Slept until ten-ish, watched some Tyra and America's Next Top Model as well as various bits and pieces of Gangs of New York (I want to watch that from the beginning, looks super good). Bummed around on Yahoo!Answers, Facebook, and PostSecret for years, and even browsed various shopping websites. I supremely want something Marc Jacobs, even if it's like a headband. Filled out this crazy Facebook note that's going around all the snow day-ers (25 random things, tag 25 people and so on).
Otherwise, I feel super shitty. I've got tickly sinuses, a runny nose, drainage trickling down the back of my throat, a wonky stomach from the drainage, lightheadedness, and swollen glands. And sneezing. Blehhhhh. BAHA Emily wants us to stop the 400-message-long Facebook message. I don't necessarily like her at all. She still has my tights. AND my American Apparel leggings I wore like three times.
Woke up, found out it was a snow day. Went back to sleep. Made pancakes in the a.m. Watched some t.v., bummed around feeling shitty with a sore throat. Went outside to take pictures for photography, trudging through knee-high snow and getting super cold. Hopefully they turned out all right! I watched the first episode of Lost cause Alex has begged and begged me to, and, unsurprisingly, I enjoyed it. I'm up to the fourth episode, but the online streaming sites are shitty (the ABC one has really bad buffering issues and the sound doesn't match up with the video at all, and the other megavideo one doesn't have the fourth episode). Found out around ten that today would be a snow day too, and Alex called, so we chatted for a while. Then called Eli and we had the most random conversation ever. And then I slept until three, when I got a really crappy bloody nose. Eyuckk.
Today was boring-er. Slept until ten-ish, watched some Tyra and America's Next Top Model as well as various bits and pieces of Gangs of New York (I want to watch that from the beginning, looks super good). Bummed around on Yahoo!Answers, Facebook, and PostSecret for years, and even browsed various shopping websites. I supremely want something Marc Jacobs, even if it's like a headband. Filled out this crazy Facebook note that's going around all the snow day-ers (25 random things, tag 25 people and so on).
Otherwise, I feel super shitty. I've got tickly sinuses, a runny nose, drainage trickling down the back of my throat, a wonky stomach from the drainage, lightheadedness, and swollen glands. And sneezing. Blehhhhh. BAHA Emily wants us to stop the 400-message-long Facebook message. I don't necessarily like her at all. She still has my tights. AND my American Apparel leggings I wore like three times.
27 January 2009
Strawberry Whore-Cake

Strawberry Whore-Cake is the name I gave a picture of Strawberry Shortcake in this dollar coloring book I got at Target. She's in a short little prom dress with her hair up and she's LOST A SHOE! And she says "Oops!" with her hand up by her mouth. I can't really describe it, but it is whorish. So I colored it like so. She's very slutty, that little trollop! I bet Huckleberry Pirate would do her in a heartbeat. You can tell she puts out.
Anyway, life's been going. I have a killer mega sore throat and I actually took a nap today. My mom doesn't want me to go to school tomorrow, but I kind of do, if only because I'm starting to look forward to physics cause of the silly stuff that goes on in my front right-hand corner. I was a bit annoyed at first, but I'm starting to find Otto's stupid sexual comments really funny. I still don't want to have sex with him (inside joke alert), but I'm dealing with the classtime.
I got to talk to Eli today! I feel weird being so excited but I'm just kind of sick of all the people I've been hanging out with lately, all the Asterisk people. I mean, they're still my good friends, but I want to hang out with someone who isn't part of all the drama. Plus, I never see him anymore unless it's by chance in the hallways. We've been texting a bunch (and I mean A BUNCH....like forty texts apiece yesterday, maybe. kind of a lot.) but he's so positive and fun and laid-back. Not like most of my friends who get too hung up over everything and are nosy and starting to get annoying (not you, Sarah! if you ever read this!).
25 January 2009
Stuff and Spec
I kind of really don't want to blog today. I don't really know why, but I think I have to. Just because so much has happened over the past two days. Sorry, it's Hot Fudge Sunday but I forgot all about it. :[[
Friday was the best day of spec yet. After school I went to Cat's with her and Abby and we shopped at Walgreens for get-hype candy for the under-energetic actors. We found this heart-shaped Spiderman box valentine filled with chocolate and decided it was the PERFECT gift for Sam from--who else?--MINDY. So we wrote a note (including juicy tidbits like: "I love you more than I love sitting outside your window every night," "If you're still not interested, tell Otto I think he's really cute too," and "If you're both interested, something can be arranged.") and sprayed it with a ton of perfume and a lipstick kiss and put it inside the box. On the outside we drew Sam and Mindy on their wedding day with their baby Smindy as well as a bunch of hearts and x's and o's. We got Panzer to give it to Sam during practice and it was SO FUNNY. He read the note aloud and Michelle was freaking out (she didn't realize it was a joke). It was utterly hilarious. We were incredibly hyper (and Otto was "spec horny"...........................) and our performance was amazingly fab. We had a good time, especially getting our asses smacked by the tunnel afterwards--ASS-tricks! Tao was hanging out in D hall with some CRD people and so I conveniently hung out there too. We also offered them all a ton of chocolate. He was nice like always, and talked to me, too. Cindy and Mamall came with my family, so I saw them after the show. I went to Lizzie Evard's afterwards with Ellie, Alison, Kate, and Marie, and we had a nice time even though I could only stay for like an hour. Damn, Friday was a good day, despite all the sexual innuendoes involving me.
I went to work out and the woman who usually trains us wasn't there, so we had this guy who was really hard on us. I am insanely sore today. Afterwards, I showered and went to Tulip where I met with all of the spec writers about the all-spec party next Friday (so excited!!) and putting Waldo (from CRD) in all of the specs. We had a nice chat, and then Cat and I went to her house and bummed around for a bit. The whole spec came over for dinner (Yats!!) and it was nice. For once, Emily wasn't there, and that was really good. I'm kind of sick of her slutty, annoying self--doesn't she have a boyfriend?? Whose name is not Otto??--even though she can sometimes be fun. But we broke up into the cliques again...the annoying, immature group; the group that is kind of boring; and the group that I always feel uncomfortable hanging out with (henceforth known as the clicque) because they make me feel stupid and naive and ugh. Practice went all right; HU/TT had a really big dance party complete with strobe lights, so we hung out and danced for a while in the men's dressing room. Later, our room was so hot that no one had any energy and we all kind of collapsed in the hallway, which was cooler. Stuff happened which I don't really remember...Otto took his shirt off a lot (....and he's not as hot as he thinks he is....), some people had a sing-along, Lauren and Abby played Pokemon, Miles walked around in his boxers, Mitchell's pants fell off on purpose, Sam put on the pink Genevieve dress after the show, Ben and Amy kind of "bonded", we had a billion people in our room after the show instead of a tunnel, Ben and Otto sandwiched me very sexually during kill, rape, pillage, and burn, etc. We did great, surprisingly enough. We found some of TIS's confetti backstage and Otto used it during the gunfight (HOO-HAW! *confetti*). Miles won Tuesday's Best Supporting Actor for C.E. Quintio, and we won a few other awards related to our setting/scenery, Beowulf references, and most creative use of class year. HU/TT won Best Act (TIS should have won!) and TIS won Best Script for like every night. Cat cried for forever, I cried for like a minute, the three of us hugged for a long time. Afterwards, though, we all went to Tucker's. And this is when shit started to happen. We were having an okay time, though Cat and Jay were making out in Cat's car and people thought it was funny to disturb them (really, it was just not cool to picture that in my head). There was a fight between the people who wanted to play Rock Band and the people who wanted to dance (including me). We were having an okay time when most of the clicque left to go get "energy drinks". Ben said that he thought they were out smoking pot and cigars and so we all got pissed off. I don't care what they do on their own watch, but it's MY SPEC PARTY. Sam is a writer....he shouldn't leave, go get high, and then come back and stink up Tucker's house. Basically, that happened. And Sarah, Bobby, Lizzie, and I all went to TIS's party at Max's house. There, we had fun and hung out with Max and Scott for a long time. Big drama though, because Bobby was texting Daniel, who said that the CRD cars had gotten egged ant that they thought Sam and Otto did it. Of course, the last time I'd seen Sam, he'd been high, so I automatically assumed he had probably done it, so I texted him and basically yelled at him via text. He calls me up and says they were actually helping clean it up, but I said something about them being high and making Tucker's house smell like pot and he just yelled something like "YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING IN THIS SPEC, YOU'RE WORTHLESS, GO CRY," and hung up. That asshole. Sometimes he can be the nicest person and a really great guy, but sometimes he can just be a total douchebag. Whatever. I don't know what I'm going to do when I see him tomorrow. I've never been this mad at him before. He knew that would push my buttons and piss me off. Later, Lindsay showed up, and the girls (including me) and Scott all went to Steak and Shake at 3 am after hearing about the creativeness of Homer's Oddity--I really think it could have made a good spec, but the script wasn't so great and they didn't have the actors they really needed. Too bad, great ideas.
We spent the night at Sarah's (got in at about 4) and Sarah's mom drove Lizzie and I back to Tucker's for our car's at about nine. She is so nice, the three of us had a cute conversation. When I got home, I did very little. I watched the two newest Bones episodes on Hulu and should have done homework but didn't. I texted Eli for like four hours and chatted with Alex, too. Nothing much happened. I needed to take pictures for photography again but it's so cold outside I couldn't do a thing. Brrr!
Friday was the best day of spec yet. After school I went to Cat's with her and Abby and we shopped at Walgreens for get-hype candy for the under-energetic actors. We found this heart-shaped Spiderman box valentine filled with chocolate and decided it was the PERFECT gift for Sam from--who else?--MINDY. So we wrote a note (including juicy tidbits like: "I love you more than I love sitting outside your window every night," "If you're still not interested, tell Otto I think he's really cute too," and "If you're both interested, something can be arranged.") and sprayed it with a ton of perfume and a lipstick kiss and put it inside the box. On the outside we drew Sam and Mindy on their wedding day with their baby Smindy as well as a bunch of hearts and x's and o's. We got Panzer to give it to Sam during practice and it was SO FUNNY. He read the note aloud and Michelle was freaking out (she didn't realize it was a joke). It was utterly hilarious. We were incredibly hyper (and Otto was "spec horny"...........................) and our performance was amazingly fab. We had a good time, especially getting our asses smacked by the tunnel afterwards--ASS-tricks! Tao was hanging out in D hall with some CRD people and so I conveniently hung out there too. We also offered them all a ton of chocolate. He was nice like always, and talked to me, too. Cindy and Mamall came with my family, so I saw them after the show. I went to Lizzie Evard's afterwards with Ellie, Alison, Kate, and Marie, and we had a nice time even though I could only stay for like an hour. Damn, Friday was a good day, despite all the sexual innuendoes involving me.
I went to work out and the woman who usually trains us wasn't there, so we had this guy who was really hard on us. I am insanely sore today. Afterwards, I showered and went to Tulip where I met with all of the spec writers about the all-spec party next Friday (so excited!!) and putting Waldo (from CRD) in all of the specs. We had a nice chat, and then Cat and I went to her house and bummed around for a bit. The whole spec came over for dinner (Yats!!) and it was nice. For once, Emily wasn't there, and that was really good. I'm kind of sick of her slutty, annoying self--doesn't she have a boyfriend?? Whose name is not Otto??--even though she can sometimes be fun. But we broke up into the cliques again...the annoying, immature group; the group that is kind of boring; and the group that I always feel uncomfortable hanging out with (henceforth known as the clicque) because they make me feel stupid and naive and ugh. Practice went all right; HU/TT had a really big dance party complete with strobe lights, so we hung out and danced for a while in the men's dressing room. Later, our room was so hot that no one had any energy and we all kind of collapsed in the hallway, which was cooler. Stuff happened which I don't really remember...Otto took his shirt off a lot (....and he's not as hot as he thinks he is....), some people had a sing-along, Lauren and Abby played Pokemon, Miles walked around in his boxers, Mitchell's pants fell off on purpose, Sam put on the pink Genevieve dress after the show, Ben and Amy kind of "bonded", we had a billion people in our room after the show instead of a tunnel, Ben and Otto sandwiched me very sexually during kill, rape, pillage, and burn, etc. We did great, surprisingly enough. We found some of TIS's confetti backstage and Otto used it during the gunfight (HOO-HAW! *confetti*). Miles won Tuesday's Best Supporting Actor for C.E. Quintio, and we won a few other awards related to our setting/scenery, Beowulf references, and most creative use of class year. HU/TT won Best Act (TIS should have won!) and TIS won Best Script for like every night. Cat cried for forever, I cried for like a minute, the three of us hugged for a long time. Afterwards, though, we all went to Tucker's. And this is when shit started to happen. We were having an okay time, though Cat and Jay were making out in Cat's car and people thought it was funny to disturb them (really, it was just not cool to picture that in my head). There was a fight between the people who wanted to play Rock Band and the people who wanted to dance (including me). We were having an okay time when most of the clicque left to go get "energy drinks". Ben said that he thought they were out smoking pot and cigars and so we all got pissed off. I don't care what they do on their own watch, but it's MY SPEC PARTY. Sam is a writer....he shouldn't leave, go get high, and then come back and stink up Tucker's house. Basically, that happened. And Sarah, Bobby, Lizzie, and I all went to TIS's party at Max's house. There, we had fun and hung out with Max and Scott for a long time. Big drama though, because Bobby was texting Daniel, who said that the CRD cars had gotten egged ant that they thought Sam and Otto did it. Of course, the last time I'd seen Sam, he'd been high, so I automatically assumed he had probably done it, so I texted him and basically yelled at him via text. He calls me up and says they were actually helping clean it up, but I said something about them being high and making Tucker's house smell like pot and he just yelled something like "YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING IN THIS SPEC, YOU'RE WORTHLESS, GO CRY," and hung up. That asshole. Sometimes he can be the nicest person and a really great guy, but sometimes he can just be a total douchebag. Whatever. I don't know what I'm going to do when I see him tomorrow. I've never been this mad at him before. He knew that would push my buttons and piss me off. Later, Lindsay showed up, and the girls (including me) and Scott all went to Steak and Shake at 3 am after hearing about the creativeness of Homer's Oddity--I really think it could have made a good spec, but the script wasn't so great and they didn't have the actors they really needed. Too bad, great ideas.
We spent the night at Sarah's (got in at about 4) and Sarah's mom drove Lizzie and I back to Tucker's for our car's at about nine. She is so nice, the three of us had a cute conversation. When I got home, I did very little. I watched the two newest Bones episodes on Hulu and should have done homework but didn't. I texted Eli for like four hours and chatted with Alex, too. Nothing much happened. I needed to take pictures for photography again but it's so cold outside I couldn't do a thing. Brrr!
22 January 2009
Writers Bonding After-the-Fact
Whoa, tonight was insane. Spec went off well, but we had some problems with the slides and light cues. Afterwards (after Trippy Trip made a hand-tunnel for us!! so nice!!) we (Sam & Cat & I) went to Qdoba (them: come on, live a little!!!) and I ran into Laura! I haven't seen her in forever. C, S, and I talked a lot and joked about the seemingly endless amount of girls in love with the Sipes (obviously they are blind and missed Sam's weird goatee last week). Cat and I kept fawning over Sam jokingly and making jokes about this girl Mindy who is totally in love with him. "Sam, I do not want to have sex with you!" was basically every third sentence. We played "spin the hot sauce bottle" but we all kept hitting ourselves and wouldn't actually kiss anyone if the bottle landed there anyways. It was fun. I realized that the three of us actually get along rather well when we're not yelling at each other. On the way to Cat's car I sat on Cat's lap in the front seat and hit my head on the window a lot. And then Sam and I talked on the way back to the NC parking lot and had an okay time. I miss when we all had fun together and didn't hate each others' guts half the time. And now I'm texting Eli and he said he missed me being Mercedes cause Emily isn't as good and it makes me sad.
21 January 2009
Eat Babies!
I really should be doing my European History outline for an in-class essay I have to write tomorrow. But I don't really feel like it. I need to take pictures, too, but I've been way too busy every day to even think about it.
We had spec dress rehearsal today--tomorrow's the real thing! We've been preparing for so long that it seems insanely unreal. Wow. Tomorrow I'm Mercedes, and hopefully everything will go off without a hitch. I didn't forget any lines today (minus a "Fabulous!" that didn't really mean anything) and although my blocking/movement left a little to be desired I think I did an okay job. Eli texted me to be louder, so I tried, but I'm not really sure if it worked. Also, I think I talk way too fast. But whatever, I'm just really self-conscious. People told me I did well, though I think they would say that no matter what. Trippy Trip was okay, but I feel that they were kind of overhyped. I mean, they were all "we're so good! our dance is awesome! ours is perfect! we're amazing!" but it wasn't fabulous. Definitely good, but not as good as I'd thought. The acting was great and the effects/sets were good, too, but I just didn't laugh. This Is Spec was really good--they kept me laughing (a lot!) and, although I'm not a big fan of the storyline, it worked out really well. Ben and Tre were great and I loved their song "Guy Love." Camp Raindrop was all right. They definitely had their funny parts (most involving Andrew as a girl in short shorts...kind of embarrassing but hilarious) but a lot of it wasn't that great. I did like when all the GTA people came on (Andrew was great! And Will was...Will.). I hope we did well.
School today was so-so. I'm tired of spec drama and Sam getting all bent out of shape for stupid reasons (oh, my, god....CALM DOWN! even Otto was saying it in Physics!). It's almost over, though. Ian invited Lizzie and I (and a few other people) to the Trippy Trip afterparty, although we definitely will be attending our own party first. I just want to have some FUN!!! It's spec party! It's supposed to be crazy. And Asterisk isn't exactly crazy. I talked to Lizzie (E) about it and she said she thought it would be fine, but she's checking with Sam (W) and Amy (R). I hope it's okay...I think they'd be pretty chill about it as long as we didn't have a million people. Which we won't. I imagine that there would be a maximum of nine people, but probably more like five. I'm not going to tell everyone, just a few people, anyway.
I really enjoyed our pre-performance hype session. Also, I really enjoyed the post-dress rehearsal compliment from a certain someone in a yellow CR hoodie (!), showing me that maybe all is not forgotten. Maybe P---SA will come off? Probably not.
We had spec dress rehearsal today--tomorrow's the real thing! We've been preparing for so long that it seems insanely unreal. Wow. Tomorrow I'm Mercedes, and hopefully everything will go off without a hitch. I didn't forget any lines today (minus a "Fabulous!" that didn't really mean anything) and although my blocking/movement left a little to be desired I think I did an okay job. Eli texted me to be louder, so I tried, but I'm not really sure if it worked. Also, I think I talk way too fast. But whatever, I'm just really self-conscious. People told me I did well, though I think they would say that no matter what. Trippy Trip was okay, but I feel that they were kind of overhyped. I mean, they were all "we're so good! our dance is awesome! ours is perfect! we're amazing!" but it wasn't fabulous. Definitely good, but not as good as I'd thought. The acting was great and the effects/sets were good, too, but I just didn't laugh. This Is Spec was really good--they kept me laughing (a lot!) and, although I'm not a big fan of the storyline, it worked out really well. Ben and Tre were great and I loved their song "Guy Love." Camp Raindrop was all right. They definitely had their funny parts (most involving Andrew as a girl in short shorts...kind of embarrassing but hilarious) but a lot of it wasn't that great. I did like when all the GTA people came on (Andrew was great! And Will was...Will.). I hope we did well.
School today was so-so. I'm tired of spec drama and Sam getting all bent out of shape for stupid reasons (oh, my, god....CALM DOWN! even Otto was saying it in Physics!). It's almost over, though. Ian invited Lizzie and I (and a few other people) to the Trippy Trip afterparty, although we definitely will be attending our own party first. I just want to have some FUN!!! It's spec party! It's supposed to be crazy. And Asterisk isn't exactly crazy. I talked to Lizzie (E) about it and she said she thought it would be fine, but she's checking with Sam (W) and Amy (R). I hope it's okay...I think they'd be pretty chill about it as long as we didn't have a million people. Which we won't. I imagine that there would be a maximum of nine people, but probably more like five. I'm not going to tell everyone, just a few people, anyway.
I really enjoyed our pre-performance hype session. Also, I really enjoyed the post-dress rehearsal compliment from a certain someone in a yellow CR hoodie (!), showing me that maybe all is not forgotten. Maybe P---SA will come off? Probably not.
20 January 2009
Inauguration Day!!!

I felt bad for him when he/John Roberts both kind of messed up the oath--but seriously, I would have been freaking nervous too! I forgive whoever did it because I would have done the same exact thing. Obama's speech was so good...it wasn't rhetorically-laden, as many have said on CNN and the like, but it was strong and powerful. He didn't really need to convert America to his side, because we ALL know that we're in a bad position and that we ALL have to help out and fix things. We all know that this is a momentous occasion and need no persuading. There was a little, but the speech was just so good.

I almost cried, actually...I wonder how it would have been if I were black. This is just such a great achievement, and America is so filled with hope that there is no question that we will overcome this recession in time. Lauren is so lucky to have gotten a ticket (she could see the people at the capitol, though they were small unless she used her camera's zoom), and Cat/Lizzie/Ellie are lucky to actually be able to be a part of it, even if they only got to watch a jumbotron. I'm jealous!
On another note, spec practice (tech rehearsal) went okay. I had to leave early (6:30!) because Dad didn't want to wait and I'd guessed on 6:15 (and was wrong...by a lot). We got our hoodies (white with orange and the crest on the back), which I was kind of upset at (they were 1. zip-up, 2. white!) but now I'm starting to like them a little more. I still wish I could have made them (aqua and yellow, anyone?), but Otto did a pretty good design job. I texted Eli most of the time because he "is good at sound editing and can text with one hand" and I was super bored. Half the time I was stage right by myself or with Miranda and forced to 1. watch stage left have fun, 2. watch Ben "strip" (UGHHHH no! stop!!), 3. die of hunger, 4. be blinded by lights, 5. watch the actors do the same thing I've seen them do five million times, and 6. wonder if we were doing better than Camp Raindrop. Eli said we were good, but Sam said some techie told him that we were worse (!). I'm terrified for the dress rehearsal tomorrow, afraid we'll mess up in front of Tao (to steal Alex's and my code-name for someone) and look stupid. Plus, I have ALL the props in my car and if I forget something--eek. Oh well, I've had "fun"....lots of fun with Otto joking about twerking in the wings (...no) and sexual innuendoes involving water guns and Miles hitting me with a cord from the hoodies "sexually" (on the calf...kind of funny actually) and people forgetting lines and people burning napkins in Tucker's sinks....
19 January 2009
Biorhythms!!! Eeeek!
So Alex and I have had to do biorhythms for precal (something to do with sine curves) and I think it's kind of interesting. According to my biorhythm for this month, I will have a physical high tomorrow (the 20th), as well as an intellectual low--which sucks, cause I have a precal test! And of course my emotional low is approaching, around the 23rd. This isn't going to be a good end of the month. And next month, all of mine have a low around the same time! Not to mention that Valentine's Day will be a "critical" time emotionally and intellectually. Meaning that I'm probably going to cry a lot because I don't have a boyfriend. Yuck.
Spec practice today went super well, I think. Except for when Darius, Ben, and Otto (and later, after I tried to get him to come up to STOP them, Sam....) lit like thousands of napkins on fire in Tucker's kitchen. They were rolling fake napkin "joints" and trying to smoke them, too--with nothing in them. It was really stupid-looking, though kind of funny. Our hour "break" was okay, though afterwards Otto and Miles crashed and were half-asleep doing their lines. Then I kind of fell asleep. But I didn't explode and everyone was fairly nice, except Otto who is never nice and Emily who kept criticizing my Mercedes--uh, hello, I'm not a very good actress but I was kind of doing my own thing.
I'm tired. And I got too many movies at Hollywood Video again--didn't watch Endless Sunshine like ALWAYS (I always get it but never watch it! I have no clue why). And I needed to take pictures for photography but it was too cold outside this entire weekend. I just wanted to sleep. Which, frankly, I really want to do right now. I guess I could have slept in instead of watching three episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but it's kind of addicting. I am SO middle-America.
Spec practice today went super well, I think. Except for when Darius, Ben, and Otto (and later, after I tried to get him to come up to STOP them, Sam....) lit like thousands of napkins on fire in Tucker's kitchen. They were rolling fake napkin "joints" and trying to smoke them, too--with nothing in them. It was really stupid-looking, though kind of funny. Our hour "break" was okay, though afterwards Otto and Miles crashed and were half-asleep doing their lines. Then I kind of fell asleep. But I didn't explode and everyone was fairly nice, except Otto who is never nice and Emily who kept criticizing my Mercedes--uh, hello, I'm not a very good actress but I was kind of doing my own thing.
I'm tired. And I got too many movies at Hollywood Video again--didn't watch Endless Sunshine like ALWAYS (I always get it but never watch it! I have no clue why). And I needed to take pictures for photography but it was too cold outside this entire weekend. I just wanted to sleep. Which, frankly, I really want to do right now. I guess I could have slept in instead of watching three episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but it's kind of addicting. I am SO middle-America.
18 January 2009
Hot Fudge Sunday: Chace Crawford

Today we're starting with Chace Crawford, the scruffy, sexy, eyebrowsy Nate from Gossip Girl. You all know how much of an embarrassing freak I am about that show (Me! The cultured indie hipster snob!). He's 24 (pooh, seven years too old!) and has really good pecs, as well as the perfect amount of stubble. Plus, he can really rock a black jacket/white shirt/skinny black tie, the best outfit ever (can guys wear that to prom? I'm going to beg my date to do so).
You might want to turn on your dehumidifier. Steam coming your way.
Look, he doesn't even need an insulated cup 'cause his heat is more than enough to keep that coffee warm! Okay, done with cheesyness. I love his outfit. This is how I want my future husband/long-term-boyfriends to dress and sit. Indian-style reminds me of my childhood.
Uhm, scarf, anyone? Boys + Scarves = Delaney's Weakness. Screw that whole manly "I don't need long sleeves when it's 10 degrees outside!" thing. Bundle up!
Gorgeous. AAAH I'm all over scruffy guys recently. And his eyebrows are tres hot.
Oh, my God. Look at those pecs!! *dies* I used to be all about the skinny skinny thing but now I'm digging muscles (in moderation). I like when guys' shirts are just tight enough to show off the muscles but aren't tight enough to make pecs look like boobs. Because frankly, I am straight and don't want my guys to have a bigger bra size than me, even if it is muscle. And I'm even kind of digging the chest hair here, even if I don't like my guys hairy. There isn't much and it just kind of fits the scruffy look. Sorry if that's weird....
He kind of looks like David Cook here.....ew. But this picture shows off his hot bod. As a rule, I don't like baggy polos, but when they're tight they're HOT. Not too tight--Chace's is perfect. This picture...almost better than him without a shirt!
Roman Holiday

Speaking of gorgeous, I love Gregory Peck. Hell, I thought he was really attractive in To Kill A Mockingbird, even though he was in his 40's, was a parent, and rocked some serious 60's glasses. Damn, Atticus Finch, you were hot. But in Roman Holiday he's a lot younger (maybe not a lot...30's?) and really cute. He's kind of an asshole in the beginning (he freaking made a drugged-up Anne sleep on a barely-padded couch, while he took the bed! and when she got into the bed while he was gone, he then returned and pushed her back onto the "couch"!!!! Very ungentlemanly, Joe Bradley), but he gets really adorable--just see the scene with the big face thing in a wall. I'm not really sure what it was called. You'll know when you see it.
The ending is good too, sweet but not sickeningly so. Just go watch it. The scenery is great, Audrey is cute as a button (made me want to get a little gamine pixie cut!), and there are lots of great parts. She won an Oscar for this role, too, by the way. In case you're an award hound like me. I'd give the movie about an 8/10 (it was kind of slow in parts).
P.S.: Now I really want to go gallivant around Rome on a Vespa with a cute guy. Fun!
Also, I spent a lot of today chatting with Lauren, who is in DC (along with Cat) for the inauguration. She got to go to this giant concert with such varied people as U2, Shakira, Beyonce, Tim McGraw, Sheryl Crow, Will.I.Am., and Stevie Wonder (plus tons more) performing. Damn, right? She said it's super cold, but I'd take cold just to see that. Kind of like when Cindy and I went downtown and braved the freezingness to see the Olympic torch go through Indy. I'm really jealous. I watched on tv though...the mall was practically black with people.
I bought this shirt at Target today. It looks better on me than it does on the model, actually. Like the reviewers say, it's tighter than it looks, but I got it in an XS and it's actually perfect. A little shorter than I prefer but it makes my boobs look good! ;]
16 January 2009
Of (Not) Snow Days and Movies

I also got Roman Holiday (with Audrey Hepburn--I tried to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's a few times, but never did...this one just seems a little more appealing to me, plus it's her "Oscar-winning best!" according to the dvd box) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which I have wanted to see since forever but haven't gotten the chance to. I'm really excited for both of those.
Today I had a lovely experience when driving into the parking lot! The stupid kids always walk on the wrong side of the road when going in so I can't turn right, and today I was trying to turn right closely so I didn't hit anyone and I drove on the curb! And of course, with all the snow (it's been in the negatives so we've had snow for three days) I couldn't get my car off of it. The policeman had to come over and help me get my car off. Really embarrassing, hopefully no one I know saw me! Or at least understood, haha. I'm usually better than that, I swear.
Anyway, two two-hour delays in a row! Then again, today every single public school in Hamilton or Marion counties had a snow day EXCEPT us. I saw on the news. Even IPS, Broad Ripple, Pike...all of them. Maybe the Lawrences had school, I'll check with Becca. Not fair though!
13 January 2009
Not much going on. Just spec. Like ALWAYS (ugh, I'm so STRESSED). And Physics homework Gibson fails to explain at ALL, so I sit at the island counter and curse his guts and scream and get really angry and drop my calculator on the floor and all the batteries pop out and my mom freaks out, thinking I've hit something really hard, but really I just have to fix the stupid calculator and return to the lab that I have NO FUCKING CLUE how to do!!!
Hmph. I've had hives since Friday night, but really only at night (weirdly). I don't really know why, and it happened over the summer, too. I went to the doctor, lost some blood in the process to a really jabby nurse (she had to dig for my veins!! ouch!!), and found out that it was just a stupid allergy that they couldn't diagnose.
Both Free People and Fred Flare have a bunch of new stuff in that I am totally lusting after. Oh man. And I just found some really fab tights on some british website (http://www.mytights.com/). Additionally, I am going crazy for some really fab Decemberists posters (especially this one--it's DUBLIN!!!). Anyway, I'm finding myself under-monied so hopefully I'll come into some ASAP. I wants me some 'Team Chuck' (from Gossip Girl! I am a) hooked, and b) embarrassed, but c) it's a good show!!!) t-shirts from Fred Flare!!! Chuck Bass is the coolest person, ever. I think I'd get mocked if I were to wear that shirt to school...ugh, guilty pleasures should stay at home, right?
Hmph. I've had hives since Friday night, but really only at night (weirdly). I don't really know why, and it happened over the summer, too. I went to the doctor, lost some blood in the process to a really jabby nurse (she had to dig for my veins!! ouch!!), and found out that it was just a stupid allergy that they couldn't diagnose.
Both Free People and Fred Flare have a bunch of new stuff in that I am totally lusting after. Oh man. And I just found some really fab tights on some british website (http://www.mytights.com/). Additionally, I am going crazy for some really fab Decemberists posters (especially this one--it's DUBLIN!!!). Anyway, I'm finding myself under-monied so hopefully I'll come into some ASAP. I wants me some 'Team Chuck' (from Gossip Girl! I am a) hooked, and b) embarrassed, but c) it's a good show!!!) t-shirts from Fred Flare!!! Chuck Bass is the coolest person, ever. I think I'd get mocked if I were to wear that shirt to school...ugh, guilty pleasures should stay at home, right?
11 January 2009
Er, I Can Glet Fitters!

So last night I hung out with Eli and it was supremely awkward. At least on my part. We went to Brugge and then saw Doubt, and, frankly, I felt like I was on a date with my brother. It was most certainly NOT a date, not to either of us, but he was dressed up because of the speech meet and I am always looking classy. But really, I felt like it was supposed to be a date or something, even though it wasn't and even though I know that Eli is probably more gay than he is straight. And I know that from him. But it was still really awkward for me. I can't even imagine going on a REAL date with a guy I like...idk, this was just really weird and as much as I like hanging out with Eli I was a bit preoccupied with the fact that everyone else thought we were on a date to really have fun like I usually do. Ugh.
Spec critic rehearsal went all right. Everyone seemed to forget their lines, and I got really annoyed with that. I mean, COME ON, they've had those scripts for ages, and they usually know them, but on Friday they just didn't. There weren't really a lot of criticisms, just that the actors were quiet, didn't know their lines, and that our inner frame hid the outer frame quite a lot. Basically, we just need to block more, and choreograph a dance, and do something with the Genevieve/squirrel part that makes it relevant. Carlson wasn't bitchy at all, she seemed pretty nice about the whole thing, which surprised me because all the other specs said she completely tore them down. Maybe we're better than them?
I went to that sports training class yesterday morning and it was all right. The other four kids in the class are totally junior high, but there's a girl in there who seems really nice. It was a good workout though, and every single part of my body is sore today. I can barely get up out of chairs and walk down stairs. Owww.
AAAAH a part of my Scarlet Letter analysis essay (that I got a 48/50 on!!) was in the handout Lyday does with good student examples. So we read my lovely analysis out loud and it was all anonymous but it made me smile inwardly. And I understood the physics problems I just did (well, for the most part). Plus I got a 97% on my persuasion paper. I don't understand precal in the least, though, so I guess I'm not academically on the ball in every single one of my classes. But I'm doing pretty damn well.
07 January 2009
Blech, screwed up yesterday and forgot to post. I'm just going to post when I get the chance cause last night was a bitch to try to get anything done. Too much to do!
I got my schedule semi-fixed; independent study photo first period, euro second...and still espanol third and precal ninth. FML!!!! I miss Ms. Wendt!!! SOOO nice, such a good teacher. Independent study was awkward...I don't really know anyone else in the class except for Meredith, who was in my advanced drawing and whom I didn't really talk to very much (but she's pretty nice), and I didn't know where to sit so it was really awkward. And I felt so out-of-place! I can't wait to just start taking pictures and developing and being awesome. Then again, I really need to work on actually taking good pictures...I waited until the last minute a lot last year so my stuff wasn't so hot. Walking into euro yesterday after recieving the word that that was my new class was SO NICE....everyone was like "DELANEY!!!!" and really happy that I'd gotten in the class. You know, for the second time that day. YAY.
Currently I am helping Eli find purple skinny jeans. He wanted the same ones from Delia's that I just bought ($15 on clearance!! w00t!) but they don't have his size in his inseam. I think it would be actually insanely rad for him to have the same pants that I do, but it would kind of make more people think he's gay. And he doesn't want to be like this one guy...who is too hipster for his own good...and wears uggs with skinny jeans...and is totally straight (and uber tall!)...and is very, very hipster (cool style, but too "put together").
I might have to take on this speaking part in spec...yeah, not what I wanted, but I guess Emily thought Sam was kicking her out for missing a night or something (??) and quit. So I might be stepping in as Mercedes. I was going to memorize lines for tomorrow but I had to blog...soo...looks like I'll be doing that all day tomorrow. I already know most of them anyway, I think.
In IB Physics today Allison, Amy, and I messed around and drew stupid pictures. Gibson was showing us something about equations...*yawn*...and trying to make them linear (y=mx+b). And I wrote Y=FML on the top of my page, all legit-like, where ML is the x-coordinate and F is the slope. Duh. We had a lovely time in IB Land...like usual.
I got my schedule semi-fixed; independent study photo first period, euro second...and still espanol third and precal ninth. FML!!!! I miss Ms. Wendt!!! SOOO nice, such a good teacher. Independent study was awkward...I don't really know anyone else in the class except for Meredith, who was in my advanced drawing and whom I didn't really talk to very much (but she's pretty nice), and I didn't know where to sit so it was really awkward. And I felt so out-of-place! I can't wait to just start taking pictures and developing and being awesome. Then again, I really need to work on actually taking good pictures...I waited until the last minute a lot last year so my stuff wasn't so hot. Walking into euro yesterday after recieving the word that that was my new class was SO NICE....everyone was like "DELANEY!!!!" and really happy that I'd gotten in the class. You know, for the second time that day. YAY.
Currently I am helping Eli find purple skinny jeans. He wanted the same ones from Delia's that I just bought ($15 on clearance!! w00t!) but they don't have his size in his inseam. I think it would be actually insanely rad for him to have the same pants that I do, but it would kind of make more people think he's gay. And he doesn't want to be like this one guy...who is too hipster for his own good...and wears uggs with skinny jeans...and is totally straight (and uber tall!)...and is very, very hipster (cool style, but too "put together").
I might have to take on this speaking part in spec...yeah, not what I wanted, but I guess Emily thought Sam was kicking her out for missing a night or something (??) and quit. So I might be stepping in as Mercedes. I was going to memorize lines for tomorrow but I had to blog...soo...looks like I'll be doing that all day tomorrow. I already know most of them anyway, I think.
In IB Physics today Allison, Amy, and I messed around and drew stupid pictures. Gibson was showing us something about equations...*yawn*...and trying to make them linear (y=mx+b). And I wrote Y=FML on the top of my page, all legit-like, where ML is the x-coordinate and F is the slope. Duh. We had a lovely time in IB Land...like usual.
05 January 2009
Gossipy Chocolate Cakes!
HOLY MOTHER. I forgot yesterday's post!!!! I'm such a horrible newbie-"Blog Everyday"-blogger. Bleh. Not like I did anything anyway, kind of sat at home, ate Ritz crackers and Colby-Jack cheese, watched The Tudors and talked to Alex on the phone. Basiccally, this post is going to be two days' worth of postness. Fun.
My lunch table has Dessert Fridays, and that entails one of us bringing dessert. On Friday. Imagine that. This week I'm the baker (first one of the second semester! eeps!), and I'm baking
THIS. I heard really good things about this cake, and I love fudgy chocolate cakes.
On another note, I really like gossiping. I know, it's utterly shameful, but I really like knowing all about other people! I don't really spread it, except to my bff4l (best friend 4 life, lyke so 7th grade!) Alex. I like hearing it, I like seeing gossipy pictures (like so-and-so over a toilet bowl! oh em gee), I even like watching it on TV (GOSSIP GIRL...even IB students can enjoy guilty pleasures). It makes me feel like such a horrible person, but when I find out really juicy things like who had sex TWICE at a party recently (after said girl just broke up with her cute boyfriend and went on to lose her virginity to this ugly gross guy two weeks later). I know who smokes pot, I know who drinks, and I know who doesn't. I keep it to myself, but it makes me happy to know. I mean, I eavesdrop on conversations all the time. If you're popular and talking about a party you had over the weekend right next to me while I'm "doing my homework," chances are I'm listening to you. Ouch, that really sucks that your parents grounded you because they caught you drunk!
Too bad I'm really upset that I've never been to a REAL "high school party." Just 'get-togethers' where no one gets drunk. I kind of want to experience it, you know?
That picture is really rather heinous (SUCH a 90's valley girl word!!)...they are all airbrushed to within an inch of their lives!! The guys especially...is that really the gorgeous Penn Badgley in the middle, looking like some 90's teen movie heartthrob? Ed Westwick looks like a cartoon. And did they grab that cheesy Chace Crawford off of a romance novel cover? Not to mention that these season one pairings are totally off. Whatever, I'm getting sidetracked; from what, I'm not sure.
School sucked muchly...my schedule is really crap now: I didn't get put in Independent Study Photography and am in a freaking study hall instead...second period! So I have euro first...which is NOT GOOD. Ian, Daniel & Crew (he wrote this article bashing "indie kids" in the school newspaper...did you know urban outfitters is traded on the NASDAQ?!!? heaven forbid!! i am far too indie to shop there now!!! that damn nasdaq! and I am incapable of finding any new music without iTunes Genius just because I wear a scarf...in the wintertime....)--it's not exactly what I'd hoped. I'd really rather bask in the gloriousness of the class and be crazy about World War I without worrying about Ian obsessing over the same stuff I do (he already stole Bones, I'm not going to let him take the battle of the Somme and the October Revolution from me too). And then, third period I went to Spanish (with stupid Trevor and Michael and Antonio!) instead of PreCal with Claire and Eli like I should have. Instead, I had PreCal 9th period; lots of my friends, but horrible teacher and, most importantly, IT'S TOO LATE TO DO MY ENGLISH HOMEWORK. So now I have to do that AT HOME. Bitches and hoes. My study hall scared me, actually...it's not a place for a lost little IB girl like me! And if I have to keep it, I'm freaking being a student helper for Mr. Panzer; he said he'd let me go do photography, AND I can talk literature with him while drinking tea.
My lunch table has Dessert Fridays, and that entails one of us bringing dessert. On Friday. Imagine that. This week I'm the baker (first one of the second semester! eeps!), and I'm baking
THIS. I heard really good things about this cake, and I love fudgy chocolate cakes.
For some reason, I have always been obsessed with the cake from Matilda. It is like the holy grail of cakes, even if it WAS made with blood like Trunchbull insinuates. It just looks so. freaking. good. I couldn't really manage to find many pictures of it, but DANG i hope that's how my black magic cake will turn out.

Too bad I'm really upset that I've never been to a REAL "high school party." Just 'get-togethers' where no one gets drunk. I kind of want to experience it, you know?
That picture is really rather heinous (SUCH a 90's valley girl word!!)...they are all airbrushed to within an inch of their lives!! The guys especially...is that really the gorgeous Penn Badgley in the middle, looking like some 90's teen movie heartthrob? Ed Westwick looks like a cartoon. And did they grab that cheesy Chace Crawford off of a romance novel cover? Not to mention that these season one pairings are totally off. Whatever, I'm getting sidetracked; from what, I'm not sure.
School sucked muchly...my schedule is really crap now: I didn't get put in Independent Study Photography and am in a freaking study hall instead...second period! So I have euro first...which is NOT GOOD. Ian, Daniel & Crew (he wrote this article bashing "indie kids" in the school newspaper...did you know urban outfitters is traded on the NASDAQ?!!? heaven forbid!! i am far too indie to shop there now!!! that damn nasdaq! and I am incapable of finding any new music without iTunes Genius just because I wear a scarf...in the wintertime....)--it's not exactly what I'd hoped. I'd really rather bask in the gloriousness of the class and be crazy about World War I without worrying about Ian obsessing over the same stuff I do (he already stole Bones, I'm not going to let him take the battle of the Somme and the October Revolution from me too). And then, third period I went to Spanish (with stupid Trevor and Michael and Antonio!) instead of PreCal with Claire and Eli like I should have. Instead, I had PreCal 9th period; lots of my friends, but horrible teacher and, most importantly, IT'S TOO LATE TO DO MY ENGLISH HOMEWORK. So now I have to do that AT HOME. Bitches and hoes. My study hall scared me, actually...it's not a place for a lost little IB girl like me! And if I have to keep it, I'm freaking being a student helper for Mr. Panzer; he said he'd let me go do photography, AND I can talk literature with him while drinking tea.
bitching about school,
dessert fridays,
Gossip Girl,
03 January 2009
Dia De Enero

Had spec practice today. Junior Spectacular is a program that raises money for prom, and it consists of four one-act plays written, directed, and acted by juniors at my school. I'm a writer/director of one, but more about that some other time. Anyway, I had a good time even though there was some animosity about the fact that I've missed three of our practices in the past two weeks. Frankly, I had no control: the first time, I was out of town; the second, my dad had to take relatives to Chicago and took my car, and so I couldn't go; the third, I had to babysit my sister. Since I live a half hour away it's really hard for me, and no one seems to understand my familial obligations and the sheer logistical problems of the whole thing. Whatever, I'm fine with it.
Out of all my friends, I haven't seen Eli in two weeks!! And that's totally a bummer, because we're getting to be really good friends, and his utter hilarity doesn't really come through via text message. Other than that, I think I've gotten to see most of my friends, even cilts, so it was a pretty satisfying break for all involved. However, I still have to finish my book for English, and write the stinking reader responses. AND memorize radians for precal. Ugh. Homework over break. Vomit.
Luckily, I can listen to Shakira--Dia De Enero is one of my favorite songs...soo pretty...and it's January (enero). I used some stick tape to tape my laptop lid together, and it seems to be working pretty well, better than scotch tape was.
One of my favorite things in the world is driving home on a dreary day and just listening to music and being all at peace with the world. I can't listen to anything too depressing or else I get very moody and introspective (in a BAAAD way...I really start hating my life...), but chill songs are always good bets. The Decemberists are perfect, as well as Sufjan Stevens.
02 January 2009
We Must Sing, We Must Sing, We Must Sing

I went to Lauren's tonight and watched The Duchess, with Keira Knightley (a favorite actress of mine, despite the stupid "too thin" criticisms--she's just so pretty!). It was really, really good; full of lovely costumes and places and gorgeous hair, and good-looking guys (actually, just one, though Charles Grey's face wasn't much to my liking...without a shirt? yes please!).
Anyway, we also played Guitar Hero 3; subpar to World Tour, but still fun. We did co-op career mode and got about half-way through; obviously, we are obsessed and well on our ways to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Raegan tried to play that stupid walkie-talkie trick on me again today. She has her friend (today, Priya) stand outside my door with the walkie-talkie, and she stands in another room and calls my name. It's really obvious, the walkie-talkie's all staticky, but she seems to think it's utterly hilarious. It's cute, I guess, but annoying.
It was really cold driving home, and this car (all black, with really tinted windows!) seemed to be following me as I left Lauren's (followed me out of her neighborhood), and was incredibly creepy (even though I know that it's highly unlikely). Luckily it went straight when I turned. Phew. I was shaking the whole way home, but more because it's like twenty degrees outside and I didn't have any gloves.
"Cocoon" by The Decemberists is really pretty. I'm listening to it right now. I hadn't really paid much attention until now, but it's lovely.
Title from "At the Bottom of Everything" by Bright Eyes, the song I should memorize for the next time Charlie plays it. I'm tired of him and Matt knowing parts of it and me being like "I KNOW THIS I KNOW THIS BUT WHAT ARE THE WORDS?!" and wanting to show off my indie-ness to cute indie boys.
I kind of want to write, but it's 10:46, and I need some sleep. Probably not good, seeing as I never want to write anymore and this would be a good chance to do so, but I'm a senior citizen at heart and need to get some sleep.
Actually...would a senior citizen get so much enjoyment out of a guy wearing only a partially-unbuttoned pair of very 18th c. breeches?
01 January 2009
Dear Catastrophe Waitress
So I'm sitting here, watching Bones, eating blue corn chips, and listening to Belle & Sebastian. I think this is precisely how I would love to live 2009, though I think I would get extremely fat. Anyway, it's immensely relaxing. I'm also reading Eats, Shoots, & Leaves by lynne Truss for an English paper I have to write. It's pretty good, witty and grammatical reflections on modern punctuation. Totally me.
New Year's Eve was pretty good. Sarah, Jessica, and Lauren came over and we played a ton of guitar hero (it's world tour, so it's super fab and has the drums and everything). S and J taught L and I this game (I forget what it's called, pooh) and I did pretty horribly. So we moved on to sparkling grape juice drinking games. We went around in a circle answering questions about '08 and '09, and every time we said something we "sealed it" with a swig. Makes your stomach feel pretty wonky after you've drank a fourth of a bottle. We then watched Fargo and knit...and J slept. I don't really remember anything about the movie because I was so tired and wonky-stomach-ed.
Oh, so New Year's Resolutions!!!
1. Health in mind, body and soul: This is pretty obvious. Eating better, taking time to relax, sleep, and get away from drama, and becoming a better Christian (God high!-thanks, Beanie).
2. Relationships: Make better the ones I have, make more...especially one with a guy...hopefully
3. Read at least a book a week: I've fallen behind my previous love of reading and I don't want that to continue. I have way too much on my 'to read' list to do that.
4. Stop downloading so much music illegally!: I can't keep this up, especially not when I'm listening to indie music that no one buys.
5. Don't procrastinate: DUH.
New Year's Eve was pretty good. Sarah, Jessica, and Lauren came over and we played a ton of guitar hero (it's world tour, so it's super fab and has the drums and everything). S and J taught L and I this game (I forget what it's called, pooh) and I did pretty horribly. So we moved on to sparkling grape juice drinking games. We went around in a circle answering questions about '08 and '09, and every time we said something we "sealed it" with a swig. Makes your stomach feel pretty wonky after you've drank a fourth of a bottle. We then watched Fargo and knit...and J slept. I don't really remember anything about the movie because I was so tired and wonky-stomach-ed.
Oh, so New Year's Resolutions!!!
1. Health in mind, body and soul: This is pretty obvious. Eating better, taking time to relax, sleep, and get away from drama, and becoming a better Christian (God high!-thanks, Beanie).
2. Relationships: Make better the ones I have, make more...especially one with a guy...hopefully
3. Read at least a book a week: I've fallen behind my previous love of reading and I don't want that to continue. I have way too much on my 'to read' list to do that.
4. Stop downloading so much music illegally!: I can't keep this up, especially not when I'm listening to indie music that no one buys.
5. Don't procrastinate: DUH.
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