Nothing really happened that I remember.
FRIDAY the 13TH:
Latin Club Spaghetti Sauce cook-off was really fun!! My mom cooked me some penne pasta for me to bring because last year there wasn't any pasta. And how can you eat spaghetti sauce without pasta?!? I shared it with Sarah, Ellie (the Ellie in my photo class who is really awesome and dresses nicely), Scott, Lizzie (and her brother, Nelson), Cat, and Jay, and everyone thought it was SUCH a good idea. Afterwards, we went to Starbucks with Thomas and without Cat and Jay, and from there we went to Target and messed around. We spent some time in the dollar aisle, looked at stupid romance novels, and Nelson almost got us kicked out. Sarah bought a giant ball and we played with it in the parking lot by Penn Station (and got asked about burger places by some random guy). Then we went to Sarah's and just chilled there for a while.
No date for Valentine's. I just went out with the family to Houlihan's and babysat Raegan. I did get a special box of 6 Godiva chocolates from my dad (four lemon chiffon, two milk truffles, two midnight truffle things), and that was definitely great. Idk, didn't really do much except bemoan my singleness.
SUNDAY the 15TH:
Didn't do much during the day, but Rachel facebook-chatted me and asked if I wanted to go see Slumdog Millionaire (at 7:40 at night!!). I'd been planning to skip Monday, so my parents said it was okay. And I'm SO glad I went. It was utterly amazing. Review coming sometime soon, promise.
MONDAY the 16TH:
Had my interview for day camp (which, as I know now, ended up badly--so I won't dwell). I went to the library afterwards and had an amazing time reading poetry (and Cosmo) and hunting down my books for English and Euro.
After school someone stole my pretty plaid coat, with my keys in it. I accidentally left it in the bathroom before lacrosse, and, when I noticed afterwards, Krissy and I ran to the bathroom. We found out it was gone, and I had to wait in my car (I accidentally left it unlocked) for my dad to come and drop off the second key. It made me really upset. Really, really upset. I'm still upset. I checked lost and found but I still need to see if I can watch "the tapes" of the area to catch that bitch that done took my coat.
FRIDAY the 20TH:
Winter Ball was okay. Not amazing. DJ Paul Bunyan (LMAOOO) was all right, but he left halfway through and it got shitty afterwards. I got some texts from Will--who, evidently, was ASKING ME OUT ASKING ME OUT on flipping V-Day--saying stuff like "I'm bad at relationships, do you want to take this more slowly??" But the thing is--I didn't want to take it at all. And I feel bad cause everyone I've been around and discussed this with has dissed him, and he's not a bad guy. He's just a biiiig nerd, and not exactly attractive, and definitely not my type (which is...really really hot).
I went to the Central Library to do some research for my Euro paper. I hung out with Fiora, but she had to leave so Julian was nice enough to check out my books (and we ran into that crazy Otto who isn't even in Euro on the way out...). He is the nicest, sweetest, cutest boy I know. Somone needs to snatch that boy up because he is a total catch, I swear. Just not me, haha. Later, Fiora, her sister Anna, Eli, and I all went to see Milk (Eli relying on his beard to avoid being carded, haha) and had a jolly time. It was really good. Again, review coming soon enough. We hung out around the mall afterwards and ate Toblerones (and Eli's marzipan--ickkk!). I dropped off Fiora and Anna and then took Eli home, which is usually pretty fun as we share music and stuff. It was a pretty fun night, methinks.
SUNDAY the 22ND:
THE OSCARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Basically the best Oscars I've ever seen. Hugh Jackman was HILARIOUS, especially in the opening number--a "budget" opening that reused props from a lot of the nominated films, including the lovely Anne Hathaway as Richard Nixon (and she was sitting next to Frank Langella!). There was a great skit with James Franco and Seth Rogen being their Pinapple Express stoner selves and watching a bunch of the year's nominated movies--they were hilarious. I love them (but especially James Franco--he was going to be my choice for a Hot Fudge Sunday but I didn't have the time). I predicted correctly Best Picture (Slumdog), Best Actor (Sean Penn), Best Actress (Kate Winslet), and Best Supporting Actor (Heath!), but if I'd picked a Best Supporting Actress I would probably have picked Penelope Cruz--I just didn't because it was such a toss-up. I really enjoyed the whole night, especially the adorable Slumdog kids from Mumbai that didn't even speak English but were incredibly adorable (especially youngest Salim and Latika). I really liked Miley Cyrus's dress (surprise!) as well as Anne Hathaway's and Natalie Portman's, but Kate Winslet looked gorgeous as usual. I really missed looking for James McAvoy, who wasn't there. Instead I got to look at James Franco, Dominic Cooper (from The Duchess), Dev Patel, and Emile Hirsch; all very attractive men.
23 February 2009
08 February 2009
Where I does not exist, nor you.
It is nearing Valentines' Day. And while I dislike it because I have no love, I love it because of what it means, what it holds, what people around the world feel, what I will feel someday. For this, I have been reading poetry.
I love Pablo Neruda. O, amo a Pablo Neruda. I think his Sonnet XVII (Soneto XVII) is so beautiful. I like the Spanish, but the English is okay, too...well, just okay?
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where
I love you directly, without complexities or pride,
so I love you because I know no other way
than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
I don't have anyone to love. There's someone, but it's never going to work and so I've stopped trying to fool myself into thinking it works. But he is there, hidden in the inner workings of my heart long after everyone around me thinks I'm over him. He has faults, and things about him I dislike, but I think he's perfect. Too bad I lost any chance I ever had.
But this isn't the place for that longing and regret. I'll keep that tucked up inside until it dissolves away into a million little atoms. :]]
I don't know what I have done since my last post. I have been busy, I have been lazy, I have suffered through Zoe's flat tire (and my dad coming to fix it), I have spent hours in the library reading poetry--including Neruda, of course. In case you don't know, one of my favorite poems is "To an Athlete Dying Young" by A.E. Houseman, and I read some of that. I love the meaning; it's about death, but it's viewed positively, as an escape from ignominy and growing old and being forgotten. Everyone's worst fear is not dying; it is being forgotten. Because essentially, that is what death is; out of sight, out of mind, right? We are no longer there, and we are replaced, forgotten, reduced to a limestone marker in the middle of a veritable quarry of markers. But to die at the pinnacle of life--one is remembered for their vitality, their success, and not the short-lived records held by an aging runner.
I also love e.e. cummings, ever since the first time we read Anyone & Noone in Miss Pleiss's fourth grade English class. So deep, so brilliant, so avant-garde--yet still so conventional and great. I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart). Damn, do I love poetry.
Sylvia Plath. So brilliant and amazing. Gah. What did my hands do before they held you?
I'm going to take some poetry classes in college. I love it.
I love Pablo Neruda. O, amo a Pablo Neruda. I think his Sonnet XVII (Soneto XVII) is so beautiful. I like the Spanish, but the English is okay, too...well, just okay?
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where
I love you directly, without complexities or pride,
so I love you because I know no other way
than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
I don't have anyone to love. There's someone, but it's never going to work and so I've stopped trying to fool myself into thinking it works. But he is there, hidden in the inner workings of my heart long after everyone around me thinks I'm over him. He has faults, and things about him I dislike, but I think he's perfect. Too bad I lost any chance I ever had.
But this isn't the place for that longing and regret. I'll keep that tucked up inside until it dissolves away into a million little atoms. :]]
I don't know what I have done since my last post. I have been busy, I have been lazy, I have suffered through Zoe's flat tire (and my dad coming to fix it), I have spent hours in the library reading poetry--including Neruda, of course. In case you don't know, one of my favorite poems is "To an Athlete Dying Young" by A.E. Houseman, and I read some of that. I love the meaning; it's about death, but it's viewed positively, as an escape from ignominy and growing old and being forgotten. Everyone's worst fear is not dying; it is being forgotten. Because essentially, that is what death is; out of sight, out of mind, right? We are no longer there, and we are replaced, forgotten, reduced to a limestone marker in the middle of a veritable quarry of markers. But to die at the pinnacle of life--one is remembered for their vitality, their success, and not the short-lived records held by an aging runner.
I also love e.e. cummings, ever since the first time we read Anyone & Noone in Miss Pleiss's fourth grade English class. So deep, so brilliant, so avant-garde--yet still so conventional and great. I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart). Damn, do I love poetry.
Sylvia Plath. So brilliant and amazing. Gah. What did my hands do before they held you?
I'm going to take some poetry classes in college. I love it.

It is the story of Amélie Poulain, a shy young woman in Montmartre (an artsy arrondissement in Paris) who takes it upon herself to improve the lives of those around her. In the process, she finds an album of discarded photobooth pictures, collected by Nino Quincampoix, an extremely cute, quirky guy (I fail at descriptions of people!). Nino undertakes a quest to get his album back, and Amélie, who falls in love with him from afar, uses a series of "strategems" to get him to fall in love with her while trying to get the album. Understand the plot at all? It makes so much more sense when you watch it.
I really adored this movie. I got a little annoyed with how shy Amélie is, but it's just her character, and I'm just used to go-get-'em women in movies who chase after the guy they want and don't run away. The cinematography is excellent, and I loved the bright colors throughout the movie. Such a feast for the eyes, if I may be so cliché. The romance between Amélie and Nino is soooo cute, especially the adorable final scene (riding through Paris on motorbike!!!!!) that makes me want to a) move to Paris, and b) fall in love with a cute French guy. *sigh*
03 February 2009
I kind of want to go to sleep cause I didn't get much last night (eek! hives at 1 am!) but I figured I'd update supaquick, just on a few things.
Saturday night I'm sick and texting Eli when the texts start getting reaaally weird. And I'm confused but I remember Eli saying he was with some people and so I shrugged it off and played along. Then a little later I started getting texts from another number I didn't know. I just replied and stuff, until Jay texts me and asks "Are you getting texts from people you don't know?" I go "YES! What's going on?" so he says "We're playing a game, just reply. And make it fun." So I did. And I had a blast, I must say, going back and forth with those boys. Jay kept texting me to do stuff and etc., but none of them knew who I was (because in Eli's phone I'm under "call for a good time") and I didn't know who most of them were (just Eli and Jay).
A few hours later the texting kind of slows and I get a text from Will G apologizing for the random texting and saying that everyone had been passing around his phone. I cracked up...he's a great guy and it was nice that he apologized but I had known the whole time. So I told him that nah, it had been great fun cause I'd been sick and bored out of my mind.
Yesterday was my first lacrosse practice and luckily Krissy and I hung out together the whole time while the sophomore girls talked about Brazilian waxes (wtf, why do you even need that? I understand shaving bikini lines, but seriously?). Coach was late so we did our own thing while the track boys were busy showing off for us (including a certain boy!!!!!!), including a minute plank (did it easily!), minute wall sits, and tons of other crap. But then when she got there we had to do all the testing, so MORE wall sits, sit-ups, and push-ups. Not fun. We discussed the team apparel (including sweatpants with, get this, butt writing.....ugh), which I'm kind of excited to have for once. I really like showing off that I'm, as my dad says, a JOCK!!! Except totally not. But practice was pretty easy and I think that as long as I start running every day (ugh forgot today!) and working out when we don't have conditioning I should be good. I want to do varsity, and hopefully I'll be good enough to at least get put on there by seniority.
ALSO!!! Heidi came back today! I was kind of mad at her for running away to Vegas with people I'd never met, and I feel like she was pretty overwhelmed today to come back into the group, but I'm super happy to have her back. I missed her, and so did everyone else.
Saturday night I'm sick and texting Eli when the texts start getting reaaally weird. And I'm confused but I remember Eli saying he was with some people and so I shrugged it off and played along. Then a little later I started getting texts from another number I didn't know. I just replied and stuff, until Jay texts me and asks "Are you getting texts from people you don't know?" I go "YES! What's going on?" so he says "We're playing a game, just reply. And make it fun." So I did. And I had a blast, I must say, going back and forth with those boys. Jay kept texting me to do stuff and etc., but none of them knew who I was (because in Eli's phone I'm under "call for a good time") and I didn't know who most of them were (just Eli and Jay).
A few hours later the texting kind of slows and I get a text from Will G apologizing for the random texting and saying that everyone had been passing around his phone. I cracked up...he's a great guy and it was nice that he apologized but I had known the whole time. So I told him that nah, it had been great fun cause I'd been sick and bored out of my mind.
Yesterday was my first lacrosse practice and luckily Krissy and I hung out together the whole time while the sophomore girls talked about Brazilian waxes (wtf, why do you even need that? I understand shaving bikini lines, but seriously?). Coach was late so we did our own thing while the track boys were busy showing off for us (including a certain boy!!!!!!), including a minute plank (did it easily!), minute wall sits, and tons of other crap. But then when she got there we had to do all the testing, so MORE wall sits, sit-ups, and push-ups. Not fun. We discussed the team apparel (including sweatpants with, get this, butt writing.....ugh), which I'm kind of excited to have for once. I really like showing off that I'm, as my dad says, a JOCK!!! Except totally not. But practice was pretty easy and I think that as long as I start running every day (ugh forgot today!) and working out when we don't have conditioning I should be good. I want to do varsity, and hopefully I'll be good enough to at least get put on there by seniority.
ALSO!!! Heidi came back today! I was kind of mad at her for running away to Vegas with people I'd never met, and I feel like she was pretty overwhelmed today to come back into the group, but I'm super happy to have her back. I missed her, and so did everyone else.
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